Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Not A Bad Day

Joke of the Day

A teacher was sitting in the park when I young boy came along sat on a bench and started to eat 10 chocolate bars one after the other. The teacher thought he must say something to the boy.

"Do you realise that eating 10 chocolate bars one after another is bad for your teeth, it will also make you fat and give you spots", said the teacher.

"Well my grandfather lived until he was 95", replied the boy

"and did he eat 10 chocolate bars one after the other". said the teacher

"no, he minded his own bloody business", replied the boy

Quote of the Day

“To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.”

--Philip Howard

Today's Post

Well today started off pretty rough, I had worked until the small hours getting a web site finished for the Rotherham crew and so when I woke up I had brain ache. Luckily the wife took the kids to "wicked witch of the east" the mother-in-law. So had a coffee and some pain killers and went back to sleep. The wife came back about lunchtime which was lucky because I got paid for the web site and money was in her bank account, so I got her ATM card and jumped on the motorbike and heading off to the bank. While I was I got a couple of tins of Pedegree Chum for Lotus because she is sill off her food. (Lotus the dog of course)
So paid the rent, and so me the wife and the women from next door but one, Baa Re (Baa meaning Auntie, and Re her name - Barry!!) decided to go off into the big city - Trang.
I wanted some bacon, (can't get it here Thai's don't eat it) and I also wanted to get a USB GPRS EDGE modem as a back up for my crap internet connection. The telephone company TT&T are absolutely useless, they make BT in England look good, and I think everyone knows what wankers they are. My internet connection goes down in a day more times than the average ladyboy does in a month.
Anyway back to the point off we go to Trang in Baa Re's car, which although it has very good air-conditioning she has it turned so low, the car is like an oven. Park up in the town and Baa Re goes off to pay some bill and we go to a computer shop to see if they have the modem I'm after, of course thy don't have any and in true Thai style instead offering to say order one or another option the girl in the shop simply says "mot" meaning finished or no have, another candidate for a Customer Service Award (not).
So we head off to Tesco, they have couple of modems both 3G and both expensive, well 3G is still very new and not fully rolled out, so I don't want to spend the money yet. Don't buy anything in Tesco because I prefer Makro, we head to Makro where I buy the magical 1kg of Bacon - lovely, bacon butties food of the gods. Still no modem, we head out and stop at a computer shop near one of the big school and bingo they have a nice cheap modem for 1500 baht including the sim card. Got it home and it works brilliant, not fast but reliable.
The picture at the top is just a quick shot I took of a lovely little road at back of the mother-in-laws house, it's just so typically Thai, it's nice for a walk because it comes out at a lake and there is a little cheap restaurant on the corner.
So that was about it, had three large bottle of Chang beer and went to bed.

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